The sales person misrepresented company's committment to honesty and quality service to secure my order. After I paid for thetransport and was told the car would be picked up as soon as the first available but no more than 4 days after that. However, I could not get a straight answer on when the vehicle would be picked up. I was told several different dates and times. No matter what day I called, I was told "this afternoon" but that was incorrect. I was talked to in a rude and abrupt manner. Every question was answered with "let me make a call and get back to you." I NEVER received a follow-up call or a straight answer from dispatch or customer service. The carrier assigned to transport - Omar Auto Transport - my vehicle was even worse. If you can believe it! Their dispatcher was a woman who spoke very, very poor English. I could barely understand her. I wanted to know the estimated date of delivery. Again, the response I received was "let me call the driver and get back to you." I NEVER received a follow-up call or a straight answer. For a period of time, I thought my car may have been stolen.
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